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Swiss GO Trial Group

Gynecological Trials

Here you find the current Swiss-GO trials.
Klinische Studien / Swiss-GO Trials Austria   [DE]

Austrian MATAO trial for newly diagnosed Ovarian Cancer

MATAO-A clinical phase III trial on the use of letrozole maintenance therapy for newly diagnosed advanced ovarian, fallopian tube or peritoneal cancers.

In Switzerland, every year, around 800 women are diagnosed with ovarian, fallopian tube or peritoneal cancer. The prognosis of patients with advanced ovarian/tubal/peritoneal cancer is poor with over 70% of patients diagnosed with progression within 3 years of initial diagnosis and a 5-year overall survival rate reported varying from 30% till up to 50%, emphasizing the clear unmet medical need for new treatment modalities. A high percentage of the epithelial ovarian cancers express Estrogen Receptor (ER), an ideal target for endocrine therapy. Letrozole, in this respect, has been used for over decade now to treat Estrogen Receptor positive breast cancer and preliminary results demonstrate it can be a potent drug for patients with heavily pre-treated ovarian cancer as well. However, it has not been evaluated for its use in the maintenance setting for ovarian cancer after standard of care till now. The MATAO trial aims to evaluate the use of letrozole in the maintenance setting as additional standard of care for ovarian cancer patients.

MATAO- MAintenance Therapy with Aromatase inhibitor in epithelial Ovarian cancer: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled multi-center phase III Trial including LOGOS (LOGrade Ovarian cancer Sub-study) (ENGOT-ov54/Swiss-GO-2)

Are you just diagnosed with or does your patient belong to this group with newly diagnosed ovarian, fallopian tube or peritoneal cancer, and would you or your patient like to participate in this study?

Join in!

If you participate you will get a chance on receiving this medication to prolonge progression free survival after initial treatment. In addition you will be monitored on quality of life and resilience (ability to manage crises). With your participation you will enable that other patients can benefit from new scientific findings.
For additional information, as on how to participate, please contact the Swiss-GO office or ask your treating physician to contact the Swiss-GO office: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
This trial has been developed and initiated by the Swiss GO Trial Group, who functions as the lead sponsor in this respect and is supported by the German and Austrian Foundations for gynecological cancers, AGO and AGO-Austria, and is carried as part of the European study group on gynecological cancers (ENGOT):
Every clinical trial has to be registered in a public register before starting patient recruitment. Please find here the link to the MATAO Study at


Until the end of January 2023, 251 patients had been recruited and 124 randomized into the trial! Thanks to Austrian sites joining, the recruitment rate boosted around 10%, thank you!


The MATAO trial as a whole is supported by peer-reviewed grants and funding from:

The funders (except for the AGO Studiengruppe e.V. Germany) had no role in the planning and design of this trial. There are no conflict of interests. There are agreements and/or contracts with each of the mentioned financial supporters regarding their funding and role within MATAO signed before the study had starting.


Swiss GO Trial Group
Gynäkologische Onkologie
Universitätsspital Basel
Spitalstr. 21
4031 Basel

Kontakt Info

Tel:  +41 61 265 75 00
Fax: +41 61 265 93 22

E-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

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